1. baRulho::master_est
    Extended selection table of master acoustic data
    extended_selection_table|7 x 7
  2. baRulho::test_sounds_est
    Extended selection table with re-recorded playbacks
    extended_selection_table|25 x 9
  3. dynaSpec::canyon_wren
    Acoustic recording of a _Catherpes mexicanus_ (canyon wren) song.
  4. NatureSounds::Cryp.soui
    Acoustic recording of _Crypturellus soui_ (Little Tinamou).
  5. NatureSounds::Phae.long.est
    Extended selection table of _Phaethornis longirostris_ songs
    extended_selection_table|50 x 8
  6. NatureSounds::Phae.long1
    Audio recording #1 of _Phaethornis longirostris_
  7. NatureSounds::Phae.long2
    Audio recording #2 of _Phaethornis longirostris_
  8. NatureSounds::Phae.long3
    Audio recording #3 of _Phaethornis longirostris_
  9. NatureSounds::Phae.long4
    Audio recording #4 of _Phaethornis longirostris_
  10. NatureSounds::lbh.est
    Extended selection table of _Phaethornis longirostris_ songs
    extended_selection_table|50 x 8
  11. NatureSounds::monk.parakeet.est
    Extended selection table of monk parakeet contact calls
    extended_selection_table|52 x 6
  12. NatureSounds::thyroptera.est
    Extended selection table of Spix's disc-winged bat social calls
    extended_selection_table|38 x 8
  13. ohun::lbh1
    Long-billed hermit recording
  14. ohun::lbh2
    Long-billed hermit recording
  15. ohun::lbh_reference
    Example data frame of a selection table including all sound events of interests
  16. Rraven::selection_files
    A list of 'Raven' selection tables.
  17. sketchy::compendiums
    List with compendium skeletons
  18. warbleR::comp_matrix
    Example matrix listing selections to be compared by 'cross_correlation'
  19. warbleR::lbh_selec_table
    Example data frame of selections (i.e. selection table).
  20. warbleR::sim_coor_sing
    Simulated coordinated singing events.
  21. warbleR::sth_annotations
    Example data frame of annotations from a Scale-throated hermit song (i.e. selection table).